trucking along

Nothing major to relay, but here are a few assorted updates since my last post:

* The opthamologist Terri’s mom referred us to really knew his stuff, and we’re sticking with him to treat my eyes. I see him this upcoming Wed to undergo tests- said tests will tell us what the next steps will be to treat the map dot fingerprint corneal dystrophy.

* My joints, while still no walk in the park (pun intended), have felt a lot better since I switched from anti-inflammatories to Celebrex.

* My surgeon looked at neck x-rays we mailed up to him, & my fusion’s not healing at the rate he wants to see. I’m getting some more done soon for him. I try not to worry, since it can take up to a year & a half for bones & metal to completely fuse together.

* I use a chair when I go out, but a walker at home. The walker rocks. It has a seat in case I get tired, & a pouch to carry stuff around.

* My mind & attention are mostly on my eyes currently, but getting into physical therapy for my joints won’t be too far away. We have a lot to do for that. Especially since we want in-house visits, plus the therapist we select has to read a manual about how to work on EDS patients.

For awhile now, I’ve avoided making plans to socialize for dinner, drinks, etc. I can’t predict on any given day if I’ll feel like getting out. It’s pretty rough on me physically when I go out, I sleep for a couple of days afterwards.

A few folks have sent messages checking in, and thank you so much for doing so. You inspired me to post this, when I wasn’t really feeling it. Honestly, my biggest battle right now is loneliness. I have two folks who visit about once a week, & I see my dad every couple of months. That amount of social interaction gives me pity parties sometimes, & I hate doing that for soooo many reasons. I can’t expect anyone to read my mind, & I also believe it’s my responsibility to ask for company if I need it. But it’s awkward & in a weird way, feels like throwing a surprise party for myself.

So, yeah. If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, open invitation at my house. Don’t worry about imposing- if I get tired & need to nap, I never hesitate to say so. 🙂

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